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20 Mar 2014

buttons buttons who's got the button....

I don't know about anyone else but some days my kids come out of school slightly more hyperactive than normal, 

It's as if the teachers have had a tough day and given them all blue smarties just before they leave the classroom  or some one just pressed a button on my kids as they walked through the door to make their energy levels quadruple....

Well my house is regularly in  a mad panic of having to be ready to be somewhere or the kids just basically running riot while we try to keep on top of things and I was finding it tough to cope with all the stresses of being a "perfect mum" 
then I it occurred to me that the perfect mum, you know the one that always seems on top of everything has their house completely spotless and it looks like a show home all the time, kids always look like they walked off the pages of a catalogue etc etc.... actually really doesn't exist and if they do then what are they missing out on to achieve it??   there must be something right? sleep probably

most of us ( and I know i am not alone) are just proud of themselves if the kids are up fed and at school on time with their lunches in hand.

So I decided it wasn't worth the stress to worry about it all the time.  That my kids are not always going to be kids, my eldest starts secondary school this year and my youngest will only be home for another year before she will start school too.

I had been coming across tons of posts on pinterest similar to this so I am not the first neither will I be the last to make this sign, but this is my version.....

I love the buttons which were recently in the sale online from Stampin' Up! ( apologies if they are now completely out of stock)
In fact I love all buttons and hoard  have a fair supply of  them. 
The chalk board was a purchase from my local asda supermarket it was tucked away, I really don't normally find little gems like this in shops.
And I used the chalk board marker form the current catalogue.

I love this picture which hangs in our hall and every time I walk past reminds me that my kids are only going to be little for a while and that I truly do want all their memories to be good ones even if that means some time it looks like world war three has just happened.

I'm off to make some more memories hope you have a great day.


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